September is Dystonia Awareness Month!
What DNA did in September 2023 to raise awareness
  • We arranged a series of short videos by Australian health professionals and researchers on different topics relating to dystonia. These are made available on our website and our YouTube channel
  • We participated in radio interviews to talk about dystonia and awareness month activities
  • We ran our 30 second awareness ad on as many local and community radio stations as we could
  • We ensured neurologists’ rooms are stocked with DNA brochures
  • We held a Zoom get together for our members
  • We held a competition for members, families and friends to help raise awareness – this year it was Pets for Dystonia
  • We arranged some fun and informative short interviews with interesting people in the Dystonia world
  • We asked that you display our awareness posters below in workplaces, shopping centres, libraries, community centres and on social media. The posters are available for saving and printing here – Orange poster, Portrait poster white background, Landscape poster white background.
  • We have previously held booths at hospitals to raise awareness however this was impacted by Covid-19
  • We have also previously conducted yearly seminars with Australian and international speakers and people with dystonia

Page last updated 30 September 2023