Who we are

Dystonia Network of Australia Inc. (DNA) is the National Peak Organisation for all types of Dystonia in Australia. DNA was founded in 2014 and is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission. Our aims are to provide appropriate, researched information for adults and children with dystonia, their carers and interested health providers; to increase community awareness of dystonia; and to fund seminars and educational forums and assist with research into dystonia.

Our constitution

DNA’s current constitution is the NSW Fair Trading model constitution. A link to it can be found here.

Our funding

DNA is funded by donations, fundraising, membership fees and occasional sales of our merchandise. DNA receives NO funding from advertising.

Our advisory board

DNA has a medical and multidisciplinary advisory board. A link to the members of the board can be found here.

Our website

All medical and clinical information on our website and in our brochures has been approved by our advisory board. It is reviewed by them every two years or sooner if new medical and clinical information becomes available. Other content is added to our website on a regular basis by our committee and is reviewed at least annually by the committee. The information on our website is of a general nature and is not designed to replace medical advice from health professionals to their patients.

DNA does NOT host advertising on our website. We may occasionally include content which relates to commercial products, for example books about dystonia. When this occurs, it is because the committee has determined that the product may be a useful resource for, and of interest to people with dystonia. DNA has no commercial relationship with the authors.

Our committee

DNA is operated by a volunteer committee and we have no paid staff. We currently have six committee members.

Denise Duclos – President
Robyn McIlvar – Vice President/Treasurer
Laraine McAnally – Secretary/Public Officer
Kerrie Jackson – Committee Member
Wendy Powell – Committee Member
Therese Lauriola – Committee Member

The DNA committee has adopted a conflict of interest policy to manage any actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest that may arise and to ensure we act responsibly and in the best interests of the charity. The policy can be found here.

 Kerrie & Laraine Co - Founders DNA inc.
DNA co-founders Kerrie and Laraine
Neurologist Conference DNA Booth May 2016
DNA booth at neurologist conference 2016

Dystonia Network of Australia Inc. (DNA Inc.) Contact Details:

Denise Duclos – DNA President 

Laraine McAnally – DNA Public Officer and Secretary

Address: 211/98 Lakeside Parade, Jordan Springs NSW 2747 Australia

Denise Phone: +61 403 995 186

Email: info@dystonia.org.au

Website: www.dystonia.org.au

Updated 20 December 2024