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Hi Robyn,

I work in the IT industry, so office work basically.

I like in Sydney, NSW.

It’s fairly annoying because I feel like I make people feel uncomfortable when the spasms start playing up and it now hurts more than ever mentally because I decided to move into contracting roles because I thought I had treatment under control so I am not permanent. Has anyone ever had issues with discrimination in the work place because of this disorder?

I’m thinking I know what has triggered the latest failure of treatment and that was due to exercising involving the muscles which were being targeted by the Botox. To be honest, I was on valium for many years and was able to stop without and withdrawals or symptoms because in my brain it was helping with an actual disorder/disease rather than being abused as a drug.

Have you heard of anyone that has tried or thought about using CBD oil as a treatment? I know it has wonderful impacts on all sorts of brain related issues.
